Rick Blumberg

Stevenson 3203Office Hours
For the past 30 years, Dr. Blumberg has taught in the areas of Special Education, Pediatrics, Counseling and Psychology. He has conducted funded research and published in areas of Mental Health in Persons with Developmental Disabilities, Positive Behavioral Support, the Transition to Adult Life for Youth with Disabilities, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Inclusive Post-Secondary Education and Crisis Intervention.
Dr. Blumberg has served as a consultant to professional organizations, state and local government and service providing agencies. He is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with over 20 years experience working with individuals and families in private and group practice.
1980: B.A. Interdisciplinary Studies, Major Concertation in Psychology California State University at Dominguez Hills, Carson, Ca.
1992: M.A. Counseling Psychology, Child, Marital and Family Emphasis University of San Francisco, San Francisco, Ca.
1998: Ph.D. Special Education and Rehabilitation, University of Oregon, Eugene, Or.
2004-2005: Co-Principal Investigator, Transforming Child-Parent Interactions in Typical Family Routines, National Institutes of Child Health and Human Development, award of $1,100, 000.
2005-2008: Co-Principal Investigator: A Post-Secondary and Transition Program for Youth with Intellectual Disabilities, The National Down Syndrome Society, award of $150,000.
2010-2014: Principal Investigator: Transition and Post-Secondary Programs for Students with Intellectual Disabilities, U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education programs, award of 1,280, 900.
2013-2014: Co- Principal Investigator: Peers to Careers Project, NJ Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, award of 175,000.
2017-2020: Principal Investigator: Redwood Coast Equity Project, California Department of Developmental Services, award of 375,000.
Selected Publications:
Baker, D. & Blumberg, R. (2011) Positive Psychology for Persons with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities. In Fletcher, R.J. (Ed.) Psychotherapy for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities. Kingston: NADD Press
Baker, D. & Blumberg, R. (2013)(Eds.) Mental Health and Wellness Supports for Children and Youth with Intellectual Disabilities. Kingston: NADD Press
Bethea, T., Frazier, J., Blumberg, R., Bertelli, M., Stanfield, A. & Charlot, L. (2016) Autism Spectrum Disorders. In Fletcher, R., Barnhill, J & Cooper, J. Diagnostic Manual-Intellectual Disability: A Textbook of Diagnosis of Mental Disorders in Persons with Intellectual Disability. Kingston: NADD Press
Farr, J., Harvey, C., McGill, K., Blumberg, R., Harvey, M., & Kinney, C. (2022) FDDC-NADD Dual Diagnosis: Final Research Study Report, The National Association for the Dually Diagnosed, Kingston NY
Walker, J., Baker, D., Blumberg, R. & Price, U. (2023) Mental Wellness and Positive Psychology in Price, U. & Baker, D. (Eds) The Good Stuff: Practical Positive Supports for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and Mental Illness, Kingston: NADD Press