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Michael DeBellis


Michael DeBellis
Michael DeBellis



Stevenson Hall 3205

Office Hours

Mon: 1:00 pm-2:00 pmvia Zoom

Professor DeBellis’ Zoom Link

Areas Of Interest: 
Neuropsychological Assessment, Psychopathology, Forensic Psychology, Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, Geriatrics


Dr. DeBellis is a board certified neuropsychologist and licensed clinical psychologist. He is the executive director of the San Mateo Memory Center. He provides inpatient and outpatient evaluations as well as expert legal testimony. He completed a bachelors degree in psychology and a second in philosophy, both from the University of Akron. He completed his residency at UC Davis Medical Center in the department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. He is the active director of continuing education for Sutter Mills Peninsula Department of Psychiatry. In his spare time he produces medical illustrations, surfs, and spends time with his wife and three children.


BA, Philosophy, University of Akron

BA, Psychology, University of Akron

PsyD Clinical Psychology, The Wright Institute

Selected Publications & Presentations

Jacobson, Kristin. K.; Faris, Allison; Olson Alexis; DeBellis, Michael .H., Wanlass, Richard. Assessing Depression Following Injury or Illness: Preliminary Validation of the Neuropsychology.Org Measures of Anxiety and Depression (NOMAD) Scale 2020 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation June;12(6):581-588